Temple Beautiful — Part II of Chuck Prophet’s Musical Tour of San Francisco

Chuck at the Makeout Room in the Mission District, San Francisco

San Francisco rock musician Chuck Prophet has released a new video — Part II of a musical tour of San Francisco, named for his newest album, “Temple Beautiful.”

After recording his last album in Mexico City, says Chuck, “I was looking to make a record closer to home.”

Streets of North Beach

I shot much of the footage earlier this year, along with Richard Gunderman and first-time director-producer Darrell Flowers, an old pal, usually using two Canon 5D Mark II cameras for interviews and musical performance.

Part I of Chuck’s Temple Beautiful video tour was released in February. In Part II we hear about various San Francisco characters, as we visit Chuck’s home and studio and many of his old haunts in the Mission District and North Beach. He and his band, The Mission Express, play “He Came from So Far Away,” “I Felt Like Jesus,” “Little Boy/Little Girl” (with his wife Stephanie Finch, in their living room), and others.

Chuck and Patrick Winningham in the back room of the Delirium club (formerly the Albion) in the Mission District

“There’s more to San Francisco than just Alcatraz,” says Chuck. “There’s a lot of different San Franciscos, and they all kinda overlap. I think we lean toward the mythical version of events. We are looking for heroes, and these characters filter to the top.”

At Armando’s in Martinez CA

Temple Beautiful Video Part II on YouTube

Chuck’s new Temple Beautiful album on iTunes

Darrell Flowers

Luke Shock
Cody Flowers

Post Production Supervisor
Chris Valente

Bill Zarchy
Richard Gunderman
Darrell Flowers

Additional Photos
Tom Erikson

Location Sound
Conrad B. Slater
David Lezynski

Jimmy Stuart
Jani Vournas

Laura Tesone
Nancy Marsalis

Editing & Finishing Courtesy of
Remedy Editoral, LLC, San Francisco


1 thought on “Temple Beautiful — Part II of Chuck Prophet’s Musical Tour of San Francisco”

  1. CONGRATULATIONS on this GREAT video. I obviously enjoyed the music but the real joy in watching it was seeing San Francisco. You did an SUPERB job in filming the essence of what San Francisco was all about.

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